Thursday, September 4, 2008


Well, it's been a while since our last post and plenty has happened so I will try to catch you up. The latest news is I finally got new headshots. These were taken just yesterday so they are hot off the press and I need as many of you as possible to check them out and tell me which ones are your favorites. Disregard the fact that I have a visible scar on my head in the form of a darker skin tone and a red spot. That will all be taken out with Photoshop because it is a recent injury that will eventually disappear. Don't worry, I'm fine. It was just a little body surfing incident that threw me head first into the ocean floor, but everything is fine. So don't let the scar visibility sway your decision for your favorite photos. There are 3 different looks and I want to know your favorite photo for each look. That's 3 photos. Then, tell me which one of the three is your favorite overall. You can help me narrow down my choices by looking at as many photos as you can and giving me your opinion. The goal is to get a photo that looks like me and invites the viewer to want to know more about me. I need a photo to strike the casting directors interest in me. The 3 different looks represent 3 different sides to my personality that hopefully are the most castable. Some will be used for theatre and some for television, film, commercials, etc. There are two different sets of photos above. Please look at both sets so you can make an informed choice. Just click on the photo to take you to the full slide show. The photos are numbered on the website if you click on the first one when it first loads the page, so vote by commenting on the blog, giving me the numbers of the photos you have chosen. You can also send me an email. My email address is jeremy_johnson@rocketmail.com. This is a new address so if you didn't receive my earlier email about the change, please update your address book now. I want to make my decision on the 3 best photos as soon as possible so please help me out and take a look at them as soon as you can. I can't even audition until I get these printed. Stay tuned for more info on the latest events here in The Big Apple.

1 comment:

Christian Family said...

Ok...our votes for the blue shirt set...and there are more than 3(sorry)...5, 11, 14,17, 26, 40, 41, 107, 125, 137, 232, 240
We will look at the other set and sent our votes for that one...